Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Regarding the employee party, in consideration of the client party posted below:

Regarding the HOLIDAY PARTY INVITATION (I take it that person is on the computer with the nealderthal all caps mode?)

Given the previous event (see post below):

Will I be getting the follow up memo about a vendor opportunity? Can my date sell stuff? If I sell wine would the caterer whine about free trade? If it were an upscale caterer, would that be called a fine whine? Can people pay to watch me dance? Or did I not see a band/DJ listed??? Are they looking for a DJ? I have some great 70's reel -to-reel. (would we have a way to utilize that technology?) I can do line dance lessons. (aside to internet audience: this is a radio station party) If my date is a client would I loose a g/f and a client in one dip? When we dance would that be double-dipping? If my date is a client would this be considered "on-the-clock"? ( 2...3...4...) ROTFL... Don't even want to thing about worker comp'lications! please reread the last item and post to www.justshootme.com

It's 5:50 AM on my day off... can you tell I'm having pino' for breakfast?


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