Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Employee yard sale during Premium Client lunch.

Before I shoot my thoughts off... Is this how they do the Client apretiation day every year?

  • Won't this conflict with time spent with our clients?
    Or should we tell our clients to bring their checkbooks.
  • Is this a fund raiser ?
  • Is there space for other employee vendors?
  • Can our caterer get in on it by perhaps selling upgrades from coach to fine dining?
  • If I wanted to be a vendor, would I have to take time off from my paid sales job to sell stuff?
  • If I get hurt selling stuff not related to US , do I still get workers comp?
  • If someone chokes on one of my brownies, do they sue me or sue 'ITF. I can bring copy of my insurance and company can sign a release.
  • Will Bob have a Mona Vie meeting?
  • Maybe I can signup with my bosses boss for Mona Vie and sell subscriptions... then Bob and I can profit from our client ap' day. Maybe I can sign up company and then it benefits the cause.
    comment deleted... ;)

This would have been perfect for Dream Dinners... eat lunch and order dinner.

We cluld acronym it the Where Is The Friggin Holiday Brazziear.

Also posted on http://www.justshootme.com/

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