Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cost of a meeting for an external tool.

Let’s see,,,  Another meeting…    How many of us are creating income…   CPA – 4, electronic – 6 maybe, Radio PA (is that a profit center?) ,   Top Flight Media?  development – 4?    14+heads * 1.5 hours = 21 hours of lost selling time.   Why don’t they invite a focus group of contributors and not foot the payroll bill for the meeting?    Are ‘Unscheduled Meetings” calculated into the $190,000 (or whatever Central PA Biz Rag announced today)  cutbacks for ’09?


The other attendees are overhead anyway and can spend their life in meetings.


How about they do the meeting without a microphone and reduce the medical bills from migrains from listening to feedback screeches (do we have anyone onboard with A/V experience? Maybe we can get an intern from HACC to help us out there) and save the cost of the electricity.


Speaking of which… I happened to get in about 7:30 today and the board room was lighted like Vegas and two studios were powered up but vacant…   Does anyone have responsibility for the light switches here???    Who in the building has fiscal responsibility for stupid expenses?


Why isn’t this meeting a “click here” demo (or video if they want me to teach them how to use a digital camera) and an online Q&A?   Or are we all being issued computers for the meeting so we can experience the “look and feel”?    Maybe it’s better in a group so the presenter can maintain control and things not become a ‘critical review’.     Did we budget a redesign expense if the critics cut it apart?


I didn’t get the memo about when the website is being shared internally for us to see before the release date.


Would write more but it’s too soon after dinner.


Please don’t forward to an in-house friend,,, except maybe Bob R. (who is a pro at ‘playing a room’!)


Thank you


Jeff Kurtz


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Econimic stimulus.

Live from the Democtatic Policy Committee:

“Creating Jobs, Investing in Our Country’s Future, and Cutting Taxes
For the People of Pennsylvania”

Today, by a supermajority vote of 60, the Senate sent the American Recovery and Reinvestment
Act of 2009 to the… How do you define a SUPER majority?

According to the White House, approximately 143,000 of these jobs will be
in Pennsylvania. ( I like this,,, a measurable quantity)

• $66.2 million through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund to address the
backlog of drinking water infrastructure needs. $157.6 million through the Clean Water State Revolving Fund to address the backlog of clean water infrastructure needs

($223 MM water… not pork.) $35,000/Joe the Plumber = 6,300 jobs one year

$1 billion in Highway Funding… infrastructure activities at the discretion of the states. ( $35,000/yr/hwy worker = 28,000 jobs one year)
$343.7 million in Transit Formula Funding (Phila/Pitt)
$213.2 million through the Public Housing Capital Fund (no relationship to economic crises… these people are living on state property already)
$95 million in HOME Funding…rehabilitate affordable housing and provide rental assistance to poor families ( DITTO)
$90.4 million through the Homelessness Prevention Fund (Ditto)

$27.0 MM ( aka 2.7 Billion) Education and Training in Pennsylvania. (Enabling people to apply for the jobs that haven’t been created yet)
includes the following estimated benefits for Pennsylvania:*
• $100.8 million through the State Energy Program
• $258.8 million through the Weatherization Assistance Program (jobs or energy savings for low income?

Protecting the Vulnerable in Pennsylvania. $888 MM – jobs? For counselors?
Law enforcement – $80MM – if a cop earns $40,000 that’s 2000 cops for one year – not my job man.
Unemployment – to benefit the other two guys who aren’t potential cops.
AND $400 to pay the taxes on that new job that you got!!! ( if you were a counselor, or cop)